Saturday, March 7, 2009

Blowing Hole in Tahiti

Here are the pictures we took, when we were in North of Tahiti. Really nice view and waves.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Roland & Bud Cave

Wedding announcement photo shoot at the Sugar House Park in Salt Lake City, Utah - Хуримын зарын зураг, Юта мужийн Солт Лэйк Хот дахь Sugar House парк.

The Wedding Party - Les Invités - Зочид

Top row, from left to right: Gankhuyag Buyantogtokh, Fui Vakapuna, Hinanui Hunkin, Victor Dwight Cave, Bud Cave, Roland Hiro Cave, Vera Heiarii Wright, Olivia Tehei Goldman, Clint Perry Goldman.
Middle row: Khishigsuren Buyantogtokh, Javzan Buyantogtokh, Antonina Lolita Rolande Moea Cave, Karen Wood.
Bottom row: Mijiddorj Buyantogtokh, Vaimoana Hunkin, John Teva Cave

Roland & Bud Cave

The guests were throwing rose petals from both sides - Зочид сарнайн дэлбээ хоёр талаас шидэж байгаа нь 

The Wedding Rings - Les Bagues de Mariage - Хуримын богж

The Wedding Cake - Le Gâteau de Mariage - Хуримын бялуу

Chocolate wedding cake with lemon and raspberry filling - 

The Wedding Bouquet - Le Bouquet de la Mariée - Хуримын баглаа цэцэг

Bud's sister Khishigsuren caught the bouquet during the bouquet toss - Хуримын баглаа цэцэг Хишгээ дээр тусав